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constructive company culture

A constructive company culture is one within which people are encouraged to collaborate and connect with others, as well as approach their work, in ways that are conducive to them meeting their higher-order human needs. Rather than a dog-eat-dog, hyper-competitive, Machiavelli-himself-may-or-may-not-have-made-here environment, a constructive culture is more characterized by an emphasis on the good of the collective.

There are at least four basic components of such a culture:

1. In a constructive company culture, people get stuff done.

Since the people living and working within this sort of environment believe that they and their teammates own their work, they find ways to get that work done; not out of fear or obligation, but out of a desire to do meaningful work and propel the collective group forward. This also compels them to think creatively, push themselves to try things, and learn from mistakes they make along the way, as all of those things will enable them to get stuff done more effectively down the road.

[bctt tweet=”One mark of a constructive #companyculture is that people can get stuff done! #leadership”]

2. In a constructive company culture, people start to realize what they’re capable of.

The big fancy term for this is self-actualization, but there’s no need to get all hoity-toity about it. People begin to get glimpses of what they can do, and it motivates them to keep learning, growing, and challenging themselves. They begin to more fully understand their own potential, and live into it. That growth is a key part of their self-fulfillment.

[bctt tweet=”A healthy #companyculture helps people begin to realize their potential. #leadership”]

3. In a constructive company culture, people are more human.

People helping people. That’s sort of what it boils down to. In this environment, not only do people want to grow and develop themselves, but also they want to aid others in their respective journeys to do the same. People are quick to offer and accept encouragement, apologies, assistance, accountability, counsel, and coaching. Realizing their mutual humanness, they’re able to push through periods of temporary interpersonal discomfort for the good of the team.

[bctt tweet=”One of the marks of a healthy #companyculture is its humanness. #leadership”]

4. In a constructive company culture, people are cooperative and collaborative.

People become the focal point of the enterprise rather than things. There is a premium placed on building and strengthening relationships throughout the organization, regardless of position or department. You know that really annoying thing some people do when they hoard information and/or refuse to help you, insisting that you jump through eight dozen hoops and perform an interpretive dance for them before they’ll give you what you need? Yeah, those folks wouldn’t make it here.

A constructive culture creates a compelling context within which people can learn, grow, and realize their full potential for the benefit of both them and the organization.

Can you think of other things that are true in this sort of culture? What other factors contribute to the four components listed above?