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Life Master
Accusam et justo
duo dolores rebum
stet clita
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What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Practical? Impractical? Make sense? Nonsense?
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Accusam et justo
duo dolores rebum
stet clita
I couldn’t agree more. At the end of the day, we broker conversations, remove barriers, knock down silos, and grease the wheels. He really nailed this.
– Anthony
Great feedback Anthony.
He has a way of doing that, yes?
I think these ideas are important. We certainly need to remove barriers – and in any given 24 hours we need to be adding value in some way to individuals, teams, to our culture, and ultimately to our shareholders. If I could be so bold however…I believe that real leadership requires more than simply being of service. I think terminology is really important and while I believe Servant Leadership is a good start, it just isn’t enough…not for the complex organizations that we have today. As we work hard to bring out the best in others, we must also do all of those things that are messy, sensitive, complicated, and downright tough. This is where we live the values that are all over our walls and mouse pads. Just one point of view!
Ooooo. Now we’re getting somewhere. I’m doing a session at a conference this fall on this very thing. You’d either like it or hate it. 🙂
An interesting leadership philosophy AND a thought provoking speaker? I’m quite certain I would love it 🙂 This is the kind of topic that really pushes my thinking. So many of these practices are critical to great leadership (and building great organizations)… especially empathy, awareness, building community. Do these actually need to be table stakes? Now, the question is how can this concept further evolve in the future? Thoughts?
I’m not even sure it’s the concept that has to evolve so much as our thinking about the topic.