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Organizations are made up of human beings. And let’s be honest — we’ve all had those life-handing-us-lemons days, right? Like this guy, for example…

You see, we’re all just imperfect humans doing the best we can. That’s why it’s critical that we see organizations as communities of human beings.

[bctt tweet=”Organizations should be viewed as communities of humans. #leadership #companyculture”]

That idea, as simple as it sounds, could alter the trajectory of an organization’s culture if applied appropriately. Organizations need to view their workplaces in that way — as environments where their employees are literally living a huge chunk of their lives. Employees are humans; not simply round pegs that fit into holes in our departments.

[bctt tweet=”Employees are humans — not simply pegs that fit into departmental holes. #leadership #companyculture”]

Leaders have to view their work differently too. It’s not just about projects and products, though that’s certainly part of it. Leadership becomes increasingly human. It’s about serving people and helping them grow and develop — helping them become more appropriately human.

[bctt tweet=”#Leadership is about more than projects & products. It’s about people. #companyculture”]

I’ve said it before, but really, we have to intentionally think differently about our respective workplaces. Most of us spend the bulk of our waking hours at work, so our organizations are literally habitats for human beings. They’re places where clumps of humans come every day to not only work, but live.

Our organizations can then be focused on not only generating revenue and producing widgets, but also making at least that piece of their employees’ lives better. Working isn’t just work, it’s part of living life.